Friday, August 14, 2009

Updates Pics!

Dillon's 1st 4th of July

Swimming in Nana's Pool

Makayla and Allie having a blast riding in the jeep

Riding on the Merry-go-round at the zoo

Makayla posing with the giant frog at the zoo

Having fun splashing in the Verde River

Now this is the way to eat spaghetti...

Dillon loves to play catch with his Dada

Taking a ride on a train together

Playing at a splash pad

Dillon didn't even care that the water was ice-cold!

Building with giant legos at the Science Center

My crazy cute kids playing at the Science Center :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Summer Fun

This summer has been fun so far, and very hot! We have been keeping busy here, and can't wait for the cool weather and the holidays to be here again :) Lately we have been taking trips to the library, park, pool, museum, and even the zoo! And Makayla has been taking a tumbling class, and a kidzone class which does activites, games, stories, and art. I am so glad she doesn't mind being away from me. She likes going to her classes all be herself, and loves to see me there to pick her up :)

Makayla turned 3 on June 29th, and is a delight to be around! She had a beach party here and invited her little friends. It was a lot of fun, and I will post some pics soon. On her actual birthday we took her to Peter Piper Pizza. She had a blast playing the games, and got to pick out a couple little prizes with her tickets! Then we went to Build-a-Bear, where she picked out and made her very own birthday bear. And she named it "Bear".

Dillon just turned 9 months old, and is changing everyday! He scoots all over the house on his belly (more cleaning for me!) And he is pulling up on everything, and even started cruising around the furniture. It won't be long til we have 2 walkers in the house! Yikes! Dillon is on all table food now, and eats about 3 times as much as Makayla does each meal. I don't know where he puts it...
Well, I will post some pics soon of our summer fun for you to see!