Friday, February 27, 2009

Dillon is 4 Months Now!

The day before yesterday, Wednesday, Dillon had his 4 month check up at the doctor. He is getting so big! He now weighs 16lbs 12oz, which is in the 80th percentile! He is 25.5 in. long, 70th percentile. And his head is in the 94th percentile!! So he is larger than average for babies his age, which is exactly opposite of what Makayla has always been! Makayla was this same size when she was 9 months old, and here Dillon is only 4 months, oh my...
So anyway, Dillon is not sleeping through the night yet :( The doc said he should be doing 6-8 hours at night, but he is more like 3-4 hours. And then he wakes up and is starving!! So the doc said to start him on baby cereal, and it should help him to fill up and sleep through the night. Yay! He started that yesterday, so we'll see what happens! Here is a pic of him while he was eating :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Flu was at the Kaskas...

So the past few days have not been very fun... Thursday night Makayla and I came down with the flu. I found out how hard it is to take care of a sick kid and a baby, when I'm sick myself. Good thing it didn't last very long! Poor little Makayla has had it off and on for a few days. We even had to miss her last tumbling class :( All she has wanted to do is lay on the couch with me or Russ and read books. And by 'books' I don't mean 2 or 3, I'm talking like 20! (no joke, ask Russ!) She just kept getting more and more, and the books kept getting bigger and longer! But we will do anything for our little princess :) And Dillon was such a trooper through it all! He never cried, and just hung out on the couch with us, and slept in his bouncer. Such a good boy :)
Today Dillon has started to talk non-stop! He loves to look at his daddy and smile, laugh, and coo! It is so cute! I guess that's what Daddies and little boys are supposed to do :) I have such a good family...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Love to Take Pictures of My Kids :)

I love taking pics of my babies! If I wasn't a stay-at-home-mommy, or going to be a teacher, then I would want to be a child photographer. It is so much fun! And it sure helps when the kids are adorable!! So this is what we've been up to lately... Just hangin around the house and having fun!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Busy Weekend

Sorry I haven't been on here since last Tuesday! It has been pretty busy over here. Makayla, Dillon, and I made a Valentine's slide show on Snapfish, and emailed it to everyone. I'd have to say it is pretty darn cute! If you didn't get it, that means I don't have your email - so let me know! So on Saturday Makayla had her tumbling class, and did really well again :) She only has one more, and I'm debating on whether to sign her up for more classes beginning in March. She really does love them, and it is something for just her and me to do together. On Saturday we also went to one of Makayla's friends 2nd birthday party. It was at a nearby park, which we haven't taken Makayla to in ages! She had a blast playing on the playground! And Dillon fell asleep in my arms with his mouth wide open :) Then we left to go to an early Valentine's dinner with the kids. Both of our parents had plans for Valentine's night, so the kids got to hang out with us for dinner. We got to the restaurant at 5 oclock, thinking we would beat the rush, yeah right.... There was already an hour wait... So we went to the place next door, and were in and out in an hour. Then we dropped the kids off at Russ' parents, and Russ and I went and saw a movie. I don't know how long its been since we saw a movie! We seriously need to get away from these kids more... So that was our Valentine's Day! What did everyone else do for Valentine's Day?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Real or Not Real?

Most of you, if not all, know that our Makayla was a preemie born 9 weeks early. She was just over 3 pounds, and not much longer than a ruler. She was teeny! But to this day, we cannot remember how tiny she really was. So a little over a year ago, we had a lady custom make a little "Makayla doll" for us. The doll is Makayla's same birth size - same weight, length, and even looks like her! She looked at pics of Makayla and picked out a doll kit that looked like her, and spent a few weeks painting her, putting her hair in, and weighing her with tiny beads. This art is called "Reborning". Many of these artists sell their "babies" on ebay. So anyway, our Makayla doll is very special to us because it reminds us of how tiny she really was. So yesterday I contacted the same lady who made it, and asked if she would make a Dillon baby for us. She said she is booked solid till mid April, but would love to make another baby for us! I am soo excited! It will be really cool to have both the "babies" laying next to each other, and just see the differences! And after our kids leave home one day, I'm sure they'll become even more precious to us. So I included a picture of our Makayla baby...looks real huh? She is even wearing a preemie outfit that Makayla wore in the hospital. And the bear in the pic is a beanie baby the hospital had put in her isolette. You know how tiny beanie babies are right? Makayla wasn't much bigger than one! So now I am sooo excited to get a little Dillon too!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Some of the best memories we have of our kids is videos we have taken of them. It shows so much more than a picture, and is something to always remember! I try to make it a point to get out the camcorder once a month, and videotape each of the kids doing their most recent accomplishment. They grow up so fast! So here is a video of Makayla singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" with her Elmo book. It was taken 2 months ago, in December. And the video of Dillon is of his latest milestone - talking! That was taken just a week and a half ago. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

More Pics of My Babies :)

So I just HAD TO add more pics, cause you can never see too many, right? These were taken during this week. Makayla and Allie (the little girl I take care of during the week) were finger painting. It gets messy, so their shirts definitely have to come off! Makayla loves anything to do with art, and Allie is catching on too! They were both saying "Cheeeese" in this pic :) You can tell they had a blast! And my little Dillon, well, he's just cute! I couldn't leave him out...

A Nice Relaxing Saturday...

I was kinda nice to do not much today, for a change. Usually the weekends are filled with all the errands, seeing friends and family, and on the go go go! But today we just spent the day together at home :) With the exception of going to Makayla's tumbling class at noon. She takes 2 classes at the community center, just 5 minutes from our house. We love it because its fairly inexpensive and Makayla gets to be around other kids her same age, in an organized activity. So she takes Tumbling on Saturdays, and Art on Tuesdays. ( The parents all have to participate since the kids are only 2 years old) In tumbling they do things like somersaults, hop like a frog, roll across the room, crawl through a tunnel - which is her absolute favorite! - and much more... It is a packed 30 minutes, and at the end all the parents are more worn out than the kids! And in the art class they do all sorts of projects like painting with a toothbrush, making caterpillers with egg carton pieces, making necklaces with dry pasta, and lots more! So we look forward to those classes every week, and Makayla does really well in them :) Well, thats it for now. Tomorrow is supposed to be a busy day...seems like its everybody's birthday!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Makayla and Dillon

These are pics of what Makayla and Dillon were up to today. Makayla loves to play outside on her slide, and was helping her "Buppy" go down too! She was saying "Ready? Ready Buppy? Ok, go!" She knows so, so many words, and talks all day long :) And my little Dillon man has just recently started holding toys! So today he was playing with his toys on the couch, and gave me a goofy grin :)

Big Day!

Today is a big day because my dad finally comes home from the Care Center! Most of you know he was in the ICU for a while with an aneurysm (large tear) in his aorta. And then he got pnemonia in both his lungs, and had to be put on a ventilator for almost a week. But he had some wonderful nurses and doctors tending to him. And several people he doesn't even know, were praying for him. Thank you so much! So just last week he was moved out of the hospital to a care facility because he was no longer critical, and just had to get his strength back. So today he is finally going home! Yay! We love you Dad!! :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Here Goes...

So I know a few people who have blogspots, and I've just recently been wanting to start one too. So here it is! I hope to send this to all of our family and friends, as a way to keep up with our family as time goes by. When Makayla was a baby, I sent out emails with pics EVERY SINGLE MONTH! Wow, I definitely don't have the time to do that now! I've realized that I'm more than twice as busy with 2 kids, and also with Allie being here too! Its my little zoo, but I absolutely love it! So hopefully I can get on here often, and update everyone with pictures and fun info! So here goes nothing....!

My First Picture!

These are my 2 kids, as you all know, Makayla and Dillon! This was taken a week ago, when Makayla was willing to sit still and smile :)