Sunday, April 26, 2009

Updates on the Kiddos

I can't believe how fast time is going! It seems like both the kids are changing and growing up more and more every day!

Makayla will be turning 3 in only a couple of months! She is definitely not our "baby" anymore :( She is a little chatterbox all day long! And she talks in sentences most of the time. Pretty much anything we say to her, she understands, and even responds back. We can actually hold a conversation with her, and hear what she did that day. It is so cool!
And big news - Makayla is finally, totally potty-trained!! Woohoo! We are so excited and relieved. Potty training has been one of the hardest things about parenting so far. The ups and day she totally understood it, and the next day she just didn't have a clue. So now we can take her to the store, park, friend's house, or wherever with her wearing her "elmos", and we don't have to worry about accidents! We are so proud of her :)
We also enrolled her in a couple classes for this summer - tumbling and kidzone. She took a tumbling class this past winter, and loved it! So now this tumbling class is the next level - for 3-5 year olds. The kidzone class is a bunch of different activites packed into an hour, twice a week. They do puppet shows, read, crafts, games, and other things. She will be going to both these classes all by herself in July!

Dillon just turned 6 months old almost a week ago. Our baby is getting so big :( He had his doc appointment, and weighs 18 lbs 4 oz., which is in the 60th percentile. So that means he has slowed down a little bit in his weight gain. Whew! He is getting so heavy to lug around.
He started veggies a couple days ago too. He eats carrots now! (homemade of course!)I'm not sure if he likes them, but he gobbles 'em down anyway! That kid will eat anything he can get his hands or mouth on! He's our little piggy :) He also munches on graham crackers, cheerios, and attemps to drink from a sippy cup.
And he recently learned to sit all by himself! Yay! So now he can entertain himself for a while by sitting and play with all his toys. He also likes to roll over a lot. And even travels across the floor by rolling and rocking back and forth. I'm sure it won't be long until he starts to scoot!
We also got Dillon's 6 month pics taken at JCPenney today, and Makayla was in a couple with him too. He is such a good little smiler, and the pics looked great! I will post some on here when I get a chance.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Easter was such a busy, fun day! We started off at church with my whole family at 8am. Then we went home and gave the kids their little Easter baskets, and hid some eggs for Makayla. After that, we had brunch at my moms house with everyone. And Makayla was hyper and bouncing off the walls, from all the candy!! We finally got her to take a much-needed nap, and then went back for some more fun and games! My half-sister, Suzanne, and her boys, Kyle and Kevin, were in town from Kansas for Easter. We had a lot of fun, and enjoyed seeing them. Hopefully we can see them more often, 9 years is too long!! Well, here are some pics from our day - enjoy!

Arizona Science Center

I feel so behind on this! But I guess this is better than nothing, right? Well anyway, this last Saturday we went to the AZ Science Center with my mom, dad, half-sister and her 2 boys, and our friends and their little boy. Everyone had a lot of fun! And we all got free passes from the library, which made it even better! So here are some pics from it!